<aside> đź“– Contents

Concept Swapping LP Farming Single Farming Campaigns



In order to reward liquidity providers with $banana, we decided to build our own DEX: BananaSwap. This kicks off our economy and serves as an in and out gateway into the GLMA World.

Before this feature was released, only GLMA could hold $banana. BananaSwap allowed anyone to buy $banana in order to participate in the first mint phase of GLMJ, providing more utility to $banana holders.


Go to BananaSwap, connect your wallet and you can start swapping just like you do in any other DEX. The core team will be slowly adding any relevant trading pair, but for now only GLMR/BAN is available.

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LP Farming

$GLMB farming is a great way to accumulate BANANAS and to bet on our economy’s future. LP farming in BananaSwap works the same as any other DEX.

<aside> ⚠️ Before you begging providing liquidity for BananaSwap, you must be aware of the risk of impermanent loss. This risk is associated to any DEX, not just BananaSwap. If you are not familiar with this, read about it here before you move on. Make sure you use an impermanent loss calculator if you provide liquidity.


<aside> 💡 Also be aware that the amount of GLMR and $banana stake to the pool don’t won’t necessarily be the same when you un-stake. Your LP tokens represent a share of the pool, and the GLMR/$banana ratio changes as sales happen.


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Single Farming

Single farming is not yet available on BananaSwap. This section will be updated as soon as it is.

LP Rewards

The Jungle Bank provided extra incentives to liquidity providers to guarantee the stability of the $GLMB token upon the launch of the DEX.

The first LP providers enjoyed over 2500 GLMB of LP rewards during the first week of the DEX.

Since the launch of the Great Escape, the LP rewards are based on the number of game sessions played in the previous week.

5% of all the GLMB game fees collected through the game are redistributed among the LP providers on the following week.